Friday, 19 February 2016

Good old Google the King of the Search Engines


Google is still the number one search engine in most people’s minds, mine included
Mainly because Google was the first company to offer a working search engine, way back in the early days of the internet
Plus the company and those behind the scenes operating the system are constantly updating and improving their system to offer a wider array of services
Most business internet user tolerate Google updates even if they don’t like them, as for any other internet user, they just use Google for searching or other engines completely unaware of the power that Google controls

YouTube as a search engine has increased over the years, but since it is owned by Google they still dominate and control much of the internet
But whatever your thoughts or feeling are about Google, they have produced many useful and helpful tools for both the general public and for those in business

Here I have listed some not in any particular order
Google Search – the number one top most used tool
Keyword wheel – which is one of the tools Google scraped, but just recently brought back by popular demand – now called the Wonder Wheel
YouTube – which may not spring to mind as a Goggle tools, but since Google bought it, and improved it, there has been a rise in using it a direct search engine

Linked to YouTube is the “Hangout” feature, where anyone can host a we based meeting with a total of 10 people shearing within the same meeting, then once the meeting is done it is automatically uploaded to YouTube

One of the most resent added Google tools, is “Voice” which turns out to be a multi-faceted, not only offering one phone number for all phones, but also receive phone calls and text in a You can view your messages in a similar way you use Gmail

Google Translate – a useful tool which can easily change one language, into another
AdSense – One of the most used tools, along with
Blogger – one of the longest running blogging services
Gmail – Which is linked to Blogger, as if you have a Gmail account you have Blogger
I know most bloggers go for using WordPress, as I did when I had to swap over from MySpace
Sadly none of my contents were transfered automatically as I thought they would, so I had to start all over again

While WordPress is popular, but you will be unable to make use of plugin’s unless you have the blog hosted, and WordPress keep asking you to upgrade to their hosting
Unlike Blogger who as yet have ever pestered me to upgrade to a paid blog

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