Are Safe Lists and Traffic exchanges a waste of time?
Whatever business or opportunity you are involved with, you
need traffic and not just any sort it has to be Targeted traffic why, because unless
the people {traffic} who visit the site are interested in what’s on offer you
will not have any success
One question you may be asking is, how do I find targeted traffic?
Some will tell you, join a Safelist others a traffic
exchange, as these have been around for ages and all have massive lists, which
is true but do they benefit you with your venture/project/business?
It is also true that those others on these giant lists are
like minded, in that they are interested in home based work opportunities or businesses
But this is also a drawback to you, because you become yet
one amongst a sea of thousands who are trying to interest others to visit their
or affiliated site.
While you are encouraged to click through to view the
adverts, to be rewarded with credits for your own adverts, to me safe lists and
traffic exchanges are a never ending roundabout
With you clicking their links and others clicking yours, so
is there really any chance of real interested people going through those
adverts and purchasing or even joining whatever membership on offer
I doubt if they ever really offered a truly useful service
such as the one we all need, I believe they are both out dated system that
should be scrapped { my personal view
So how do you find targeted traffic?
You can find targeted traffic by using FaceBook which has a
built in search system, in order to use this you need to go to the bottom to
the “create an ad” once there you can enter a keyword that relates to whatever
you are involved in, and see how many results are listed
Armed with this information you could test out different
adverts with links to your chosen site.
But don’t worry you don’t have to advertise anything there
if you don’t want to, although once you have found your targeted traffic you
may want to as it’s cheaper than Google Adwords
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